Unani literature in French, Spanish, Germen, Russian planned
Prof. Asim Ali Khan, Director General, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine and Advisor (Unani), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, visited CCRUM’s peripheral institute Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine (HAKILHRUM) located at Jamia Millia Islamia.
During his visit, Prof. Khan reviewed progress of the institute in the area of literary research, translation of Arabic/Persian Unani classical books, editing of Unani literature, compilation of documents on scientific lines, digitisation of important manuscripts, SNOMED-CT project, etc.
He praised the role of the institute in bring out various Arabic and Persian texts like ‘Minhaj al-Dukkan’, ‘Manafi al-Agdhiya, ‘Qarabadeen-i-Jalali’, ‘Mujarrabat-i-Rizai’, ‘Kitab al- Mughni’, etc. during the last few years.
The work of bringing out comprehensive classical Unani knowledge on some important health issues related to brain, liver, kidney and heart was also praised by Prof. Khan.
Publication of important documents like ‘Standard Unani Treatment Guidelines for common Diseases’, ‘Guidelines for Unani Practitioners for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation’, ‘Unani Medicine Based Preventive Measures for Self-care during Covid-19 Pandemic etc. were also appreciated.
Literature produced on the life and works of Hakim Ajmal Khan, one the founders of Jamia Millia Islamia, namely ‘Nuqoosh-i-Ajmal’, ‘Hakim Ajmal Khan – A Man of Exceptions’ and ‘Memoirs of Hakim Ajmal Khan’ was highly praised by Prof. Khan.
He advised to collaborate with various institutions, including Jamia Millia Islamia, for publication of documents on Unani Medicine in French, Spanish, Germen, Russian, Arabic and Persian languages. Prof. Khan also visited clinical facility and regimenal therapy section of the institute.
Dr. Mohammad Fazil, incharge of the institute presented a detailed presentation highlighting the achievements during the last five years particularly after colocation of the institute in the Jamia Millia Islamia campus.
He also presented progress of the on-going literary projects and strategy to be adopted in near future. Dr. Ahmad Sayeed, Research Officer (Unani) Scientist–III presented vote of thanks. Dr. Ghazala Javed, Research Officer (Unani) Scientist-IV and Dr. Amanullah, Research Officer (Unani) Scientist-III from CCRUM headquarters and all the officers from the institute were present on the occasion.
Issued by CCRUM