Opportunity to pursue career in journalism JMI/EDU May 11, 2024 Opportunity to pursue career in journalism MCJ Department of MANUU is offering admissions to postgraduate courses. Subjects like print media,…
The OT report creates ripples in camp of Areeba, Asif Local April 12, 2023 The OT report creates ripples in camp of Areeba, Asif A report about sewer water overflowing on the Abul Fazal…
Muslim & Media: Big shot wanted to expand his paper in Okhla, called a meeting with the OT, know what happened Local April 30, 2021 Muslim & Media: Big shot wanted to expand his paper in Okhla, called a meeting with the OT, know what…
Video: India’s leading Radio Jockey Naved bats for community journalism Local August 13, 2020 Video: RJ Naved bats for community journalism Naved Khan, popular radio jockey and a resident of Okhla, bats for community…