Electricity subsidy application window extended, step-by-step guide how to apply
If you have not applied for electricity subsidy then here is another chance for you as the Delhi Government has extended the electricity subsidy application window till November 15.
The applicants who opt-in for the subsidy by 15th November can avail the benefit from 1st October onwards itself. The application window had closed on October 31.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted: “The last date for registration for the free electricity scheme in Delhi has now been extended till November 15; Delhiites who register till November 15 will continue to get the benefit of free electricity scheme.”
The Delhi Government provides 200 units of electricity absolutely free to all the residents in Delhi, while from 201 to 400 units, half the rate is charged. There are about 58 lakh domestic consumers in Delhi. Out of this 47 lakh electricity consumers get subsidy. At the same time, out of these 47 lakh consumers, there are about 30 lakh consumers whose electricity bills come to zero, while the electricity bills of 16 to 17 lakh consumers come as per half rates.
The Delhi Government had sent a form along with the bill to all the consumers to apply. Apart from this, a number 70113111111 has been issued, on which one can also get the form by giving a missed call or sending a message on WhatsApp. The applicants are being informed by SMS and email that they have been registered and their subsidy will continue. The last date to apply for this was 31 October.
Those applying after November 15 will have to pay the bill for the month of October.
Those who apply for the subsidy after November 15, will have to pay the bill for the month of October and they will get a subsidy on electricity from the month of November. Similarly, those who apply in December will have to pay electricity bills for the months of October and November and they will get a subsidy from December. All in all, after November 15, the month in which the electricity consumers will apply for subsidy, they will get the subsidy from that month itself and they will have to pay the bill for the previous month before filling the form.
How to apply
Method One
The Delhi Government will send a form to you along with the electricity bill.
Fill the form and submit it where you pay the electricity bill.
Method Two
The Delhi Government has issued the number 70113111111 for applying.
You can apply by giving a missed call or by sending Hi on WhatsApp.
Soon after this an SMS will be sent, containing a link.
Upon clicking that link a form will open
You fill that form and submit it and you will be included in the list of subsidy holders.
The Delhi government will also send messages to those consumers whose mobile number is linked with their electricity bill.
Three days after the application, you will be informed by SMS or e-mail that your subsidy is in progress.