Snippet 4: Life of a delivery boy: Some unknown facts
Getting items delivered at home has been made easy. With a click of a mouse or message from your smartphone, one can get items delivered at home. But a very few know the hardship put in by deliver boy who visits at your doorstep to deliver your ordered item.
Every delivery boy has a different story to share. The one thing common among a few with whom the OT interacted is that they get a very small amount of Rs 14 per delivery and life is not a cakewalk.
This small amount is given to delivery boy who are based locally and easily reach the area within a small jurisdiction. Sharing a story of hardship of a delivery boy, a resident said how when a few days ago a youth turned up at his house to deliver an item he asked about how much he earns then he said that he is gets Rs 14 per delivery.
“I was left shocked that how there are people who work on such low wage,” said the resident.
They work on adhoc basis and are not treated as regular employees. With no job security that you is why it is seen delivery job is handled by youngsters, college going students because the job needs running from one place to another to deliver ordered items.
Also, without a two wheeler and a smartphone it is difficult to get a job of a delivery boy.