A bad day for traders in Batla House
On Monday many shopkeepers in Batla House main market opened their shops in hope to attracted locals and earn money.
But their hope was soon dashed as the electricity in the locality was cut for fixing a new transformer, said Laziz pizza owner, adding that it was a bad day as business suffered hugely and the whole day sale was hit hard.
There was no power from 10.30 am to 8 pm on Monday in the locality as new transformer was being fixed.
According to the eatery owner, as transformer was being changed today there was power cut and eatery owners in the locality suffered. It was only a few days ago when the transformer had caught fire in the locality.
The transform fire was doused on that day with nobody being hurt and no loss reported. However, it was on Monday when the transformer was changed.
The eatery owner said electricity and internet services hit by the fire were restored the same day.
Some other businessmen also narrated the same story, saying they also lost businesses on a day when the humidity was high with low shoppers’ turnout.
Another resident aware of the development said the transformer was fixed today and due to which there was no power supply.