Amanatullah Khan dodges media after more than 2 hours questioning. Hours after a Delhi court granted AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan protection from arrest until February 24 in connection with a case where Delhi Police accused him of aiding a murder suspect in evading capture in Batla House, the MLA visited Jamia Nagar police station to join the probe on Thursday.
According to one of Amanatullah’s close associates, he entered the police station at 5:30 pm and emerged at 8:05 pm. A large group of mainstream media journalists had gathered outside, hoping to interview him or get a statement. However, Amanatullah did not speak to the press before entering the station.
Major relief for AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan
When he came out at 8:05 pm, he immediately got onto a scooty and left for home without addressing the media. A YouTuber who was also waiting to interview him described a chaotic scene, with a large crowd of TV journalists causing a traffic jam. As Amanatullah exited, reporters rushed to get his statement, but he avoided them, leading to a near-comical chase with journalists running alongside him, cameras in hand. According to the YouTuber, in the melee, a few cameras were even damaged.
However, this does not mean he ignored journalists entirely. After receiving relief from the Delhi Rouse Avenue Court, several journalists gathered at his residence in Batla House, where Amanatullah was seen interacting with TV reporters. The conversation took place in Hindi.
Here is a rough translation of what was discussed.
Amanatullah could not be reached for comments on what was asked during his more than two-hour questioning at the Jamia Nagar police station.
1. A case was filed against you, and there was a stay on the arrest. What do you have to say about it?
It is a decision of the court based on evidence. The evidence is in front of everyone. They are saying I ran away, but I just stepped out of my house today. I properly joined the CBI court the previous day as well.
2. The police were looking for you. Where were you?
Where were they looking for me? Did the police come to my house? I have been at my home.
3. What about the phone they are talking about?
That phone is switched off because it was stolen. My complaint is registered about the stolen phone.
4. What do you have to say about the allegations against you? What happened that day?
Everything is in the court now, and I will only speak about it in court. I will join the investigation at 5:00 pm today.
5. How will you go to the investigation?
This is my area. I move around simply. I will go on my scooter.
6. Many charges have been filed against you. What do you have to say about this case?
Everyone knows what this is. Everyone knows how the police treat me. Nothing is hidden.
7. The police claim to have evidence against you. What is your response?
They have everything, including DVR recordings and records. These are just stories.
8. What exactly happened on the day of the incident?
I am disappointed with the media’s approach. They are saying I ran away, but I was at my home. Yesterday, I was in CBI court for my case. I am not an investigation agency. The media wants to know, but the police should answer where they went searching for me. When they had already given me time till 5:00 pm today, why did they go to another state to arrest me? Did they even come to my house to check if I was here? The media is running one-sided stories, saying I am absconding when I am at my house. I was in court yesterday and am still here. The media should report fairly. They are the pillars of democracy. Instead of tarnishing my image, they should show the truth.
9. The police say they were searching for you. What do you think about this claim?
They put up a notice at my house yesterday morning and gave me time until 5:00 PM today. If I have been given a notice, how can they claim they are searching for me?
10. Were you present at the spot on the day of the incident?
The matter is in court. They have all the evidence.
11. Did you threaten the police or get involved in a scuffle?
All allegations are in court. I have been called today, and I will go and answer their questions.
12. Where were you when the police were searching for you?
I have been at my house. Even now, I am standing right here.
13. Your phone’s location was found in another state. How do you explain this?
My phone was stolen on election day, and they have a complaint about it. If they are getting its location, they should return it to me.
14. The police went to another State to look for you. Why do you think they did that?
When they had already given me time till 5:00 pm today, why did they go to another state to arrest me? Did they even come to my house to check if I was here? They issued a notice and still claim they are searching for me. If they had to arrest me, why issue a notice?