As part of a crackdown on modified silencers and increased security measures ahead of Republic Day, Delhi Police seized a bike being ridden by Mohammad Anas, son of incumbent Okhla MLA Amanatullah Khan, on Thursday night.
Videos circulating locally show an argument breaking out between police officials and Anas after he was stopped in Nafees Road. The Station House Officer (SHO) ordered the confiscation of the bike and imposed a fine of ₹20,000.
Key points
1. Bike seizure and fine: As part of a crackdown on modified silencers ahead of Republic Day, Delhi Police seized a bike ridden by Mohammad Anas, son of Okhla MLA Amanatullah Khan, and imposed a fine of ₹20,000.
2. Incident details: The bike, allegedly fitted with an illegal modified silencer, was confiscated on Nafees Road. Videos show an argument between police officials and Anas, who mentioned his father’s political position during the confrontation.
3. Anas’s actions: Anas reportedly refused to provide identification documents and left the scene without fully disclosing his name, despite the police informing his father about the violation and fine.
4. MLA’s reaction: Amanatullah Khan released a video criticising the police and Election Commission’s behaviour, alleging that the bike was seized due to the party flag and calling the actions unacceptable.
5. Call for support: Khan urged his supporters to attend a political gathering in Okhla in large numbers, asserting his determination to fight the election and succeed despite the challenges.
The videos also reveal that two youths were riding a bike with the police claiming that it was fitted with a modified silencer, deeming it illegal under the Motor Vehicles Act. Upon being stopped, Anas allegedly mentioned his father’s political position, leading to further confrontation with the officers.

During the incident, the officer on duty spoke with Anas’s father to inform him about the fine and the violation when he handed the phone to the police officer. Anas, however, reportedly refused to provide identification documents and left the scene without fully disclosing his name.
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Amanatullah Khan reacts to son’s incident
A day after the incident, Okhla MLA Amanatullah Khan released a video addressing the situation. He stated: “Right now, we are not just fighting against the BJP. Alongside the BJP, we are also facing challenges from the police. The way the police and the Election Commission are behaving is unacceptable. Yesterday, there was a small issue involving my son. The SHO misbehaved and seized the motorcycle—not because of any fault but because it had our party’s flag. They imposed a fine of ₹20,000 for it.
“I spoke to the ACP about this and expressed my displeasure. I told him that the SHO’s behaviour and the police’s actions are unacceptable. We will not tolerate this at any cost. We are neither afraid nor will we back down. We will fight this election in our own way, and Insha’Allah, we will succeed.”
In the video, Khan also mentioned a political programme scheduled in Okhla today and urged his supporters to turn out in large numbers to ensure the gathering’s success.