Jamia student Haq with 3 Al-Falah students’ rare achievement: All you need to know
A project entitled “Sustainable disinfection chamber for rural areas”, conceived and designed by Abdul Haq Siddiqui, a student of MTech (Energy Sciences) 1st semester, Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia and three other students of Al-Falah University (AFU), Faridabad, has been selected among top 10 projects in a competition- IILM Sustainability Carnival PRME 2021, a United Nations supported initiative held at IILM college of Engineering and Technology, UP.
The project was based on integrating the design of a disinfection chamber, HVAC system and Internet of Things (IoT) together. The current system detects the presence of a human, body temperature of the incoming person, incoming/outgoing pattern, chamber ambient conditions, customer gender and height. The system also sends out an alert when the volume of chemicals is less than the prescribed level. Also, the system controls and monitors the temperature and humidity of the disinfection chamber as an abnormal increase in chamber may result in mist/fog being evaporated before reaching on to the clothes of the person.
Hence, this intelligent system can be implemented in various public and remote places where accessibility of a skilled person may be difficult.
A total of 200 colleges across the nation participated in the IILM sustainability Carnival PRME 2021. Best 60 projects were shortlisted in the first stage and finally best 10 in the last stage.
Apart from Abdul Haq, Bhupendra Kumar Bhatt, Alok Goyal and Amaanullah Khan from Al- Falah University (AFU), Faridabad, Haryana, were other members of the Team PRME-19.
The team developed the project under the guidance of Prof M. Emran Khan, Dr. Osama Khan from Mechanical Engineering Department, JMI and Dr Mohd Parvez, Dean of engineering and technology, AFU.