Tensions appear to be brewing within Okhla AAP after a video surfaced showing two youths tearing down a poster of former AAP Councillor Wajid Khan. The incident escalated as the youths recorded their actions and later the video surfaced on social media. In the short clip, it can be seen that they not only tore the poster but also used explicit language against Wajid and another AAP leader Firoze.
The video quickly spread across local groups, with a BJP leader posting it on his Facebook timeline. This triggered outrage and raised concerns about the lengths people go to during election time to inflate their egos.
Saud Khan, a close aide of Wajid, told The OT that this was a deliberate act of mischief, and a police complaint had been filed against the two individuals in the video. While Wajid has remained silent on the issue, sources say unresolved differences persist between his team and Amanatullah Khan.
Once a close associate of Amanatullah who even introduced him to politics, Wajid parted ways with him over various issues. During the MCD election, when Wajid sought a second term, the two reconciled briefly, with Amanatullah campaigning for him. Despite this support, Wajid narrowly lost the election to Congress candidate Areeba Khan from Abul Fazal Enclave ward.
After the election, the rift widened again. When Amanatullah sought a third-term ticket, sources revealed intense competition within Okhla AAP, with Wajid and another aide, Mahmood Ahmed, also vying for the nomination. While Wajid refrained from making anti-Amanatullah statements, Mahmood openly criticised the MLA whenever possible. Sources noted that Wajid’s team remained optimistic about securing the ticket.
However, Amanatullah clinched the ticket, triggering fallout. Mahmood resigned from the party and, during a press conference, directly challenged AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal. According to sources, the cold war between Amanatullah and Wajid continues. Observers wonder whether the two, hailing from the same locality in UP, will reconcile in the future.
Sources caution against jumping to conclusions, noting that the unresolved differences within Okhla AAP could jeopardise Amanatullah’s chances of securing a third term.
The election campaign is gaining momentum. While other political parties have yet to announce their candidates, Amanatullah currently enjoys a free hand and is working tirelessly to win the hearts and minds of Okhla voters as he is up against anti-incumbency. However, the real challenge will begin once the Congress, AIMIM, and BJP announce their candidates.
Asaduddin Owaisi’s party, AIMIM, is once again trying its luck in the Muslim-dominated Okhla ward. So far, it has delayed announcing its candidate, seemingly waiting for other parties to declare theirs. According to sources, the party may consider selecting a rebel candidate. Speculation heightened after Owaisi mentioned in a TV interview that he might field jailed former Jamia alumni president Shifaur Rahman. This statement has left everyone eagerly awaiting AIMIM’s final decision. It is not known whether Rahman’s family or he himself will agree to contest election on AIMIM ticket.
A Jamia alumni aware of the development said on the condition of anonymity that he is still now aware of the current situation.